15 benefits of the RPC

RonPaulCurriculum Business Essay

  1. It is self-taught, grades 3-12: math, biology, physics, chemistry — everything.

This is very true, I myself have taken Biology, Physics, and some other subjects, and all of the lesson series were all self-taught. You watch the video and learn the subject on your own and you don’t need an adult to supervise.

  1. There are no textbooks to buy — even in math and science courses.

Since this is a video-based curriculum. It makes sense that there are not textbooks to buy and which you can save money. But there are a few things you might need to print for some of the classes.

  1. There is a weekly review lesson in every course for much higher memory retention rates.

At the end of every week, there will be a video that goes over everything you have done in that week.

  1. The high school has two year-long courses on starting a home business.

I myself is taking this very class at this moment, and it’s very useful and interesting to learn. You learn how to write ads, and start a free website. (in fact, this very essay is needed for the business class)

  1. There is no “busy work.”

What this means is that all the classes go straight to the point, and is thorough. There is no work which is useless or has no need. So you can be assured that all the classes are full of information and don’t have any filler just take up time.

  1. There is a weekly essay in each non-math course. See this example.

This is also true, at the end of the week there is an essay, this goes hand in hand with the weekly reviews where the class goes over everything they have learned in the past week and have to write an essay on it.

  1. 40 free trial lessons: reading and arithmetic. See for yourself how video instruction works.

This is a very good option to have, and I have used this myself quite often. It’s very good to try out the lesson before you buy it.

  1. Everything comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Now even after you’ve tried the lesson and bought it, but you didn’t like it you can go ahead and get a refund.

  1. There is an affiliate program: you get half the enrollment fee for signing up friends . . . for as long as they re-enroll each year.

This is actually really nice to have and make extra money on the side, I personally never have used this and or invited a friend into the curriculum.

  1. The curriculum is academically rigorous.

This is also very true. All the classes are extremely rigorous and aren’t easy, but also not impossible.

  1. Students help each other on the courses’ forums.

In this website’s there are different types of forums, there is one forum for each class on the site and there is one main forum for all the students to interact in.

  1. The high school has two years of Western civilization — unique. (Most have only one year.)

Not much to say here, but yes there are 2 Western Civ classes on this site.

  1. The American history course and the American literature course are also parallel for a better understanding of both.

Right now I am doing the American History and the American Literature, and the two do actually work together and go through history at the same pace which is quite amazing and something I have not actually seen done.

  1. The high school has a full-year course on public speaking.

The RPC does have a full course on public speaking, where you learn to speak publicly by talking to a camera, and preparing and reciting speeches.

  1. The curriculum teaches critical thinking.

This is very important for any student. It teaches you to doubt what other people and sources say and teaches you how to use common sense to break down ideas and let you decide what you want to believe in.

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